You may leave Africa....BUT....Africa will never leave you!
   Expert Advice
 +255 767 146 220

What is Biking Adventure

* We get off the beaten track onto remote and little used dirt roads as much as possible. Some of the time we use paved roads and also at times single track, the later with not too much technical difficulty. There is sometimes the opportunity for getting off the main tracks and onto some more serious off road biking if you wish.

* All our biking is vehicle supported which means all your gear is carried for you. Lunch and water are always at hand.
* If you need a break from the saddle you can ride in the vehicle at any time.
*You don’t need to be a fitness fanatic to come with us, but a reasonable standard of fitness is required and makes your trip more enjoyable.

* This trip is not about covering as many miles as possible. It is about experiencing Africa from a different perspective, meeting the local people and experiencing the sights sounds and smells of Africa. You will become part of the landscape and environment we are passing through, merging with the people and wildlife that we encounter along the way.
People who come with us enjoy the active outdoors and want something different in a holiday. By doing one of our trips you’re not just a spectator, but part of the scene getting to touch, smell and see what’s going on from close-up rather than as a passer-by

Nairobi to Dar es Salaam
Day 1 – Arrive in Nairobi.
Day 2 – Game viewing, bike to Maasai Village.
Day 3- Bike to Tanzanian border.
Day 4- Bike to Arusha.
Day 5- Biking into the Great Rift Valley.
Day 6 – Game drive in Ngorongoro Crater.
Day 7-9 – Bike and explore the Usambara Mountains, plus school visit.
Day 10 – Bike to the village school
Day 12 – Bike to Dar es Salaam.
Day 13 – Fly out or relax by the ocean.
Dar es Salaam to Nairobi
Day 1 – Arrive in Dar es Salaam.
Day 2 – Bike to Bagamoyo.
Day 3 – Bike inland towards the Maasai Steppe.
Day 4-6 – Bike and explore the Usambara Mountains, plus school visit.
Day 7 – Morning ride, pm transfer to Arusha.
Day 8-9 – Biking into the Great Rift Valley.
Day 10 – Game drive in Ngorongoro Crater.
Day 11 – Transfer to Kenya boarder, bike to Maasai Village.
Day 13 – Morning game viewing, biking across rolling bush land.
Day 14 – Biking across open savannah.
Day 15 – Morning bike and transfer to Nairobi.
Day 16 – Fly out.